Ghirardo Real Estate Group

Consulting & Investments

Risk vs. reward is a trade-off not lost on today's real estate developer, investment entrepreneur and homeowner. Balancing the two is a challenge that requires courage, careful planning and the support and assistance of qualified professionals. Ghirardo Real Estate Group (formerly Innovative Properties, Inc.), is an affiliated company of Ghirardo CPA.

Since founding Ghirardo Real Estate Group, Steve Ghirardo has provided real estate consulting services from a CPA's perspective for more than 20 years, a benefit that has proved invaluable to our clients time and time again.

Ghirardo Real Estate Group consists of CPA's and licensed real estate professionals who assist clients in all aspects of real estate investing, including: real estate portfolio evaluations, locating suitable 1031 replacement properties, feasibility analysis, income tax and property tax analysis, financing and sales.

For more information, please contact
Steve Ghirardo